My Pursuit of Happiness and Skinny Jeans

My journey to a smaller jean size

Me vs. …

on January 25, 2014


Like all CrossFit vidoes, this one is so motivating.  It makes me want to sign up for the Open so badly.  I think I’m going to do it.  And it will definitely be me vs. myself.  I’m up for the challenge.  I’m ready to push myself and see just what I can do.  For this, I think just trying is a win…and if I’m last.. well, who cares!  Maybe I’ll even surprise myself. 

Are you signed up for the Open?

Who are you competing against?

6 responses to “Me vs. …

  1. Good luck girl….I told them I didn’t feel comfortable doing it if I can’t even do a pull up—ya know?!


  2. You, and I’ve said it before, are so brave. You’re my crossfit hero! I had my body fat %age tested at a crossfit place a couple of weeks ago, and just walking in was intimidating! I’m a wuss, I know….


    • cathyo says:

      Ah, thanks! I still have mini panic attacks some days when I walk in and watch the class before me finishing up. I think “how the hell am I gonna do that?” and then class starts and I just do it. I still scale a lot of workouts, but i’m slowly getting stronger. I’m still surprised by how much I love it. CrossFit class is often the best part of my day.


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