My Pursuit of Happiness and Skinny Jeans

My journey to a smaller jean size

The Friday Five

Hello Friday….I love you!


I haven’t done a Friday Five in quite some time.  Let’s see if I can get caught up on a few of the things going on with me.

1.  I’ve hurt my back.   I actually hurt it last year, and it eventually got better, but it has been acting up over the hockey season and then finally last Thursday at the gym it decided it had enough, and heavy kettle bell swings put it over the edge.  Friday I stopped and didn’t finish a WOD for the first time since I started CrossFit.  It sucked.  My coach gave me the name of a physio guy who is supposed to be great and I went to see him today.

Apparently my hamstrings are tight, I have a glute that doesn’t fire, my hip flexors are tight, and all this affects the way my leg moves, making me use my back to help me walk rather than just for stability.  Who knew!  Anyways, an hour and a half later, I was stretched, poked, cracked, had my hip “scoured” (it feels as awful as it sounds), stabbed and electrocuted (I had acupuncture on my hip/glute).  I’ve got some stretches and exercises to do that should help strengthen my hip and glutes.  I guess time will tell.  I see him again next week.  Fingers crossed it all works!

2.  I’ve started watching Game of Thrones.    Holy crap this show is crazy!  How did I manage to go so long without watching?  I’m 5 episodes in and absolutely loving it.  I feel like I need a cheat sheet to figure out who belongs to which kingdom and I have no idea “where” everything is in relation to each other.  Guess I need to hit up google for a Game of Thrones map.  Well that took all of 5 seconds…

3.  The weather tonight was perfect for a BBQ. After a long, cold winter, it was finally a perfect night for a BBQ and dinner on the back deck.  Come on summer.
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4.  Kevin Bacon is in an egg commercial…and it is awesome.  Enjoy!

5. I’m looking forward to a weekend with nothing much to do!  
Last weekend I was in Brockville with my girlfriends for our annual hockey tournament.  We had lots of fun, drank too much, and had really late nights.  This weekend I don’t have much going on.  I’m supposed to go to CrossFit at 10:30 tomorrow morning, but every exercise looks like it will be tough on my back, so I may cancel and just sleep in.  After that, we have a team lunch for my son’s hockey team and not too much else going on.  I can’t wait to just relax this weekend.  It’s going to be awesome.
lazy weekendHappy weekend.

Doing anything exciting?

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Thing From the Web


Hi all.

I know I have been seriously MIA lately.  Life is busy, what can I say!

I have been working, eating clean (for the most part), playing hockey, and CrossFitting (although I hurt my back, so that is causing a few issues).  Hockey is now over and soon golf and ball hockey will start, making me even busier I’m sure!

I have been reading lots of blogs and posting to my Instagram account, but just can’t seem to find time to write a real blog post.  Even today, I’m cheating and posting a thing from the web!

Came across this on Facebook today…kinda cool.  Enjoy!

Oh, and I have just started to watch Game Of Thrones.  Watched Season 1 Episode 1 during my lunch break today. Not crazy about how it ended!


Happy Thursday!

Seen anything good on the web lately?
Are you watching Game of Thrones?  Do you love it as much as everyone else seems to?