My Pursuit of Happiness and Skinny Jeans

My journey to a smaller jean size

The Week Ahead

We are coming to the end of another weekend.  It was a good weekend, too!  Here are some of the highlights. 

Hubs and I went out for a great burger dinner Friday night. A new burger restaurant opened up a while ago, but this was our first time. It won’t be our last!  We both had their burger with smoked cheddar and jalapeños on a brioche bun. I had sweet potato fries as my side and hubs had a salad. The burger was amazing!  

Saturday morning I went to the gym for a killer WOD.

We had done it before back in April and I was quite happy to take almost 4 minutes off my time. Love it when that happens!  👍🏻

Saturday afternoon I went to my sister’s place for a 31 Gifts party.  I didn’t really know what that was but it’s a home party for bags, totes and organizer-type things. I got myself a gorgeous new bag for my work laptop. I can’t wait for it to arrive!  

This afternoon I menu planned and got groceries.  I’m trying two new recipes this week. Curry cauliflower quinoa stew and crock pot Thai chicken soup.  They sound really good. Hopefully they are!    

I also checked out the WODs for the week and scheduled my workouts. I’m going Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I’m not really excited about Friday’s WOD and that thruster ladder, but I’m going anyway!  

Tomorrow I’ve got a massage after work. I can’t wait. The last few weeks at the gym have been tough and my body is feeling it.  Hopefully having two days rest in a row, plus the massage, will set me up for a good week of WODs. Fingers crossed!  
Here’s to a good week ahead!  

What’s on your plate for the week?



Motivational Monday: Planning For Chaos

Happy Monday!


I was searching online for some sort of quote or image that I could use in my post and found this one that was perfect for today’s topic:

planning chaos

Most days, my life does feel like organized chaos!  Each week we juggle school, work, CrossFit 3 times a week for hubs and 4 times a week for me, hockey twice a week for each kid and once a week for hubs and me.  That’s a lot to fit in. Some days I’m amazed we pull it off!  I rely on the calendar in my iPhone to keep track of things, plus we have a family calendar in the kitchen that we fill in as well.  It has a column for each family member so we can keep track of who needs to be where when.

In general, I think we do a pretty good job of fitting everything in.  Although, when things get hectic, the one thing that tends to fall through the cracks at our house is food.  When our weekends get busy, or we are away, I often don’t menu plan or grocery shop.  This makes the week following a bit of a challenge.  Lunches and dinners get a bit sketchy.

We finally got smart last week.  I knew I was going to be away and not likely back Sunday in time to menu plan or grocery shop before we needed to head out to two rinks on opposite sides of town for hockey with the boys. So, hubs had the genius idea to do a Grocery Gateway order.  Grocery Gateway is an online grocery store that delivers to the GTA (Greater Toronto Area).  You go online, fill your “grocery cart” with whatever groceries you need, pick a delivery time, check out and the groceries will be delivered to your home during the delivery window you choose.   He started our order Thursday night and I went in and topped up the cart with things I would need for meals this week.  The first delivery option available was tomorrow…so tomorrow between 6 and 7:30am (before we go to work) our groceries will be delivered and dropped off right in our kitchen.  All we have to do is put them away before we head to work.  You have no idea how excited I am about this.  I am going to have a fridge full of groceries without having to step foot in the grocery store or take an hour to shop.  YAY!!!

I also had a feeling last week that this week might be crazy so on Friday, before I went away,  I made an Eat Savage order for my lunches this week.  Eat Savage is a Paleo meal delivery service.  You order what meals you want by Friday, and they deliver them the following Monday to the drop off/pick up location of your choice.  I get them to deliver to my CrossFit gym and just pick them up when I go to class Monday night.  Tonight one of the boys plays hockey at 7:20 which means I can’t get to class, but I will swing by and pick up my lunches on my way home from work.

So despite having had a busy weekend and not being able to get to the grocery store, I have lunches for the week and all the groceries i need to cook tasty, clean meals – well, tomorrow after the groceries get delivered I will have everything I need 🙂  All this means that I have no excuse not to eat healthy this week…and that makes me happy.

I don’t have an exact menu plan for the week, but with what we’ve ordered, I know we will eat well.  I’m excited to get cooking!  I think I will try one of the casseroles that I mentioned here.

How do you plan for chaos?

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Reverse Menu Planning

It’s Sunday night and that means the weekend is almost over 😦
tomorrow's monda

Normally Sunday means menu planning, grocery shopping and usually some food prep. Today, that wasn’t the case.

Last night hubs and I went to the movies to see St Vincent, and on the way home we were going to make a quick stop at the grocery store to get some bacon for breakfast this morning. When we got to the grocery store parking lot, there were only 3 cars in the whole lot. I made a random comment that it was too bad we didn’t have a list so we could do all of our shopping in the empty store. We ended up deciding to wing it and just bought a bunch of stuff and would figure out the menu plan after.

I made sure we got what was needed for some cauliflower fried rice and Pizza Spaghetti Pie. We also picked up some steaks, chicken breasts, pork chops, a pork tenderloin, eggs, fruit, veggies and stuff for the kids lunches this week. It was our quickest grocery trip in a while. In and out in about 20 minutes. It was awesome!

Tonight for dinner we had steak, roasted sweet potato rounds, and some balsamic asparagus.
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I reverse engineered our menu for the week based on the groceries we bought and we will be eating very well!
Monday: Pizza Spaghetti Pie
Tuesday: Chicken Caesar Salad
Wednesday: BBQ Pork Cauliflower Fried Rice
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Pork Tenderloin – I will have to figure out what to serve as a side dish for this, but I’ve got a few days to do that!

The Photo101 course didn’t have any new assignments over the weekend, but a new prompt has been released for tomorrow – “Connect”. I will have to figure out how I will capture that concept in an image. Hopefully I can get out at lunch and find a good shot.

Now, I should sign off and go to bed. I need to leave for work earlier than usual tomorrow. I’ve got a conference call with clients in Sweden tomorrow, so we are starting a bit earlier than usual to account for the time differences.

How was your weekend?
Do anything exciting?

Let’s hope the week flies by!


Weekend Update

Another weekend is coming to an end Sad smile.  Back to reality tomorrow, but before then, it’s time for another instalment of…
weekend roundup

FRIDAY:  I love Fridays.  It is the best day of the week!  The prospect of having 2 days off from work puts a smile on my face and the day seems to fly by.  This past Friday was no exception.  Work was good, I crossed lots of things off my to do list, and I even got home from work early enough to go to the 4:30 CrossFit class instead of my usual 5:30 time. 
wod may 2

I like push press and I like knees to elbow, so I liked the first part of the WOD.  The second part, however, sucked balls!  Wall balls are not my friend.  I don’t know what it is about them, but they are pure torture for me.  And I only used a 1 pood kettle bell for the swings.  I was the last one done, by a longshot.  Not that I care if I’m last, but I’m feeling like I’m sort of stalled or moving backwards with CrossFit.  I think  a lot of it has to do with my diet.  I’ve been eating like crap lately and I can feel it.  I’m not sleeping well, I hit “zombie mode” at 3pm again, and I just feel off.  Hopefully that get’s a kick in the right direction this weekend…more on that in Saturday’s summary.

SATURDAY:  I was back to CrossFit Saturday morning for a 9:30am class.  More good stuff:
wod may 3

I’m really liking our new programming that includes a tempo for every lift we do.  It really makes you think and regardless of how much weight you lift, you are getting a great workout.  Which is good, since as I mentioned above, I don’t feel like I can lift as much lately.  So, rather than get too bummed about it, I just lift what I can and focus on the tempo. 

The MetCon was killer…20 long awesome minutes!  I felt good at the end of this one.  I only used 55 for the Clean & Jerk, but I did the rest of it RX.  All pull-ups done without a band, and they felt good.  I’m getting better at my kip, getting through the bar with my shoulders…the “superman” part of it.  For the first few rounds I was able to do 5 in a row.  For the last few, I broke them into sets of 3+2.  I got through 6 rounds, plus 13 squats.  I was a sweaty mess at the end, and felt pretty good about how many rounds I did. 

After CrossFit, I was home for a quick shower and then we were off to Jacko’s lacrosse game.  His team played well, despite only having 7 players again, and managed a tie against a team with a full bench. 

Saturday also was the start of the next round of the Whole Life Challenge.  So, this means, I am back to eating clean, ditching sugar, dairy and alcohol, taking a supplement, working out and mobilizing daily.  We also have a lifestyle challenge that will change weekly.  For both challenges that I’ve done so far, the first lifestyle challenge has been to drink half your body weight in ounces of water.  This time they changed it up and we are starting with meditation.  So, I’ve got the mediation app back on my phone, and will take 10 minutes a day to try to clear my mind.  This challenge has come at a perfect time.  Hopefully it will be the kick in the pants I need to get back on track.

So far, it’s working.  We went to a friend’s place last night and I stuck to water and carrots while everyone else enjoyed crackers and cheese, finger foods and lots of wine, beer and some wonderful smelling liqueurs.  It wasn’t even too hard to stick WLC compliant…hopefully the next 8 weeks go as smoothly.

SUNDAY:  Today was a pretty laid back day.  I did meal planning and grocery shopping and even did a bit of food prep.  I’ve got breakfast lined up for the week.  I made some mini prosciutto wrapped frittatas.  They smelled amazing while they were cooking, so hopefully they taste great too.  I also made some sweet potato hash, which I haven’t had for quite some time.  Can’t wait for tomorrow morning so I can try them out.
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My spiralizer got a good workout today…first with the sweet potato hash, and then with dinner tonight.  I made zucchini noodles with a meat/veggie sauce.  It was pretty tasty and I have some leftover for lunch tomorrow!
photo (10)

Now, as usual, it’s late and I really should get to bed.  I need the sleep lifestyle challenge to come up to force me to get to bed earlier.  Until then, I’ll just continue to be tired all the time.  It’s okay…I’m used to it! 

I’ve got a busy week ahead.  Ball hockey starts tomorrow, and golf starts Tuesday.  Can’t wait!

How was your weekend? 
Are you ready for a good week ahead? 


Weekend Roundup

It’s Sunday evening and that means the weekend is almost over Sad smile  I had a great weekend, so it’s time for a little….
weekend roundup

FRIDAY: Friday was a good day.  Got a few things done at work in the morning and then ran some errands in the afternoon before picking my son up at school.  I hit CrossFit for the 5:30pm class where we worked on handstand push-ups and hollow rocks before a metcon of 3 rounds 500m row with a 3 min rest between rows.  I’ve got handstand push-ups on my goals for the year.  I used 2 abmats and was able to do 11-9-7-6-6 for the 5 sets of max effort.  I was happy with that, but I think I’m a long way from being able to get rid of one abmat, let alone 2, to be able to do a full HSPU.  I’ve still got 8 months to work on it! 

Rowing is not my favourite CrossFit activity.  I’ve got short legs and I just don’t get as much out of each stroke as some of my fellow CrossFitters with longer limbs.  Still, I gave it my best and managed 2:03, 2:04 and 2:07 for the 3 rounds.  I’m not sure if that was my fast 500m, but all three times were faster than last time we did this WOD back on Sept 24, 2013 when I rowed 2:08, 2:12 and 2:12.  So my slowest 500m this time was better than my fastest 500m last time…so that’s all good! 

SATURDAYI started my Saturday, with a 9:30am CrossFit class.  The strength workout was deadlifts.  Ever since Open 14.3 my back has been a little tweaky during deadlifts, so I kept it light and just worked on form.  Coach Andrew, who is a competitive Power Lifter and can deadlift a ridiculous amount of weight for his size, gave me a few tips on setup position and what to think about when lifting and it made a huge difference in how my deadlifts felt.  Thinking about pushing down on the ground, rather then pulling up, totally took my back out of the equation and it didn’t bother me at all. 

After the deadlift strength work, the metcon was a killer: 
wod april 26

Coach said he wanted the first round of dumbbell lunges to be unbroken, and I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to do that with the 20# RX weight, so I used 15# for the WOD instead.  Probably a good move since this WOD kicked my ass!  Wall balls are not my friend.  They suck the life right out of me.  I don’t know if it’s that whole short leg thing again, but they are so hard for me.  I did do them RX, but they were tough!  In the end I suffered through it in 16:50. 

Saturday afternoon Jacko started his first season of lacrosse.  I’m not sure I’m going to like it.  We went early to watch the game before and see what this whole lacrosse thing is about.  The kids crosscheck like crazy and hit each other with their sticks constantly.  Some of the hits look like they are completely unnecessary and the kids are just hitting each other for the sake of hitting and not trying to get the ball off of them at all. 

Jacko is so excited about playing and couldn’t wait to get onto the floor.  His team actually doesn’t have a coach yet, but thankfully one of the refs put them through a few drills before the game and explained a few of the rules to them.  A few of the dads volunteered to open the doors so they weren’t on their own on the bench. 

The pictures aren’t very good, but here are a few shots of the dude in his glory.
photo 1 (3)photo 3 (1)

Jack had a blast, and his team won the game, but one of his teammates was crosschecked so hard into the boards that he had to leave the game and the kid who hit him from behind was kicked out of the rest of the game and apparently was suspended for a game.  This didn’t do much for my concern about the game.  Hopefully next week is a cleaner game. 

SUNDAYToday was a rest day, so no workout for me!  The weather was pretty good, not quite warm enough for my liking, but okay, so we did some work outside.  Hubs finished raking the yard and put down some fertilizer.  I trimmed the shrubs and bushes and we put some mulch in the garden.  It looks pretty good.  I do not have a green thumb at all, so everything we have is pretty low maintenance. 

After the yard work, I got to menu planning. 
photo 1 (4)

We’ve got some good eats lined up for the week…including a new item found and requested by my 14 year old, Nick.  Nick likes bacon and spicy things and the dish he found has both of these!  Bacon Wrapped Sriracha Onion Rings.  These were quick and easy to prepare and baked in the over for an hour or so…and holy deliciousness! 
photo 2 (4)photo 1 (5)photo 2 (5)

These were a tasty part of our dinner tonight:  Steak, grilled asparagus and the onion rings…Total YUMMO! 
photo 3 (3)
I’ve got a busy week ahead of me.  CrossFit Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.  I’m doing a mobility class on Thursday – I’m loving these classes!  Tuesday I’ve got a massage scheduled…I can’t wait!  Although my body doesn’t feel as achy as usual since I’ve started the mobility classes. And next Saturday, the summer round of the Whole Life Challenge starts.  I’m looking forward to it for the most part.  I’ve got a few weekend events that will fall in the challenge window, but I’m not too worried about it.  I’m going to eat and drink what I want during those events and do my best the rest of the time. 

Now, I’m going to publish this post and watch the new John Oliver show Last Week Tonight on HBO.  I liked him when he was on The Daily Show.  I’m looking forward to seeing what he does on his own show.

How was your weekend?  Do anything exciting?
Try any new recipes?


A Soggy Saturday

Happy Saturday, everyone!

Today was a soggy day in my neck of the woods, but I still managed to have a pretty busy day.

I was up bright and early to head to CrossFit for the Whole Life Challenge nutrition seminar.  I convinced my sister to join the WLC, so she came with me.  The seminar was good and gave us a bit more insight into what we can/can’t eat and how to cope with all of it over the next 8 weeks.  They also told us that the first two weeks will be hard and we might actually feel worse…but if we can get through that, then things will get better.  We just need to tough it out.  I’m nervous, but excited.


After the seminar we went right into measurements and onto the WOD.  They took our weight (and their scale isn’t as friendly as mine), and then waist and hip measurements.  All of this gets entered into my WLC page and I will be able to compare these numbers to the measurements that we take at the end of the 8 weeks. 

After measurements, we got into line to do the WOD, which was:

WLC Fall 2013 Official Workout
Complete the following for maximum points:
2 min – Max calories on the rower
– (1 point for each calorie)
– 1 min rest –
2 min – complete as many reps as possible, repeating the following sequence:
5 push ups
15 squats
(1 point for each Push-up and Squat)
– 1 min rest - 
2 min – complete as many reps as possible of:
Sit Ups
(1 point for each sit-up)
– 1 min rest –
2 min – Max calories on the rower
– (1 point for each calorie)
Calculate your TOTAL points for all 4 elements and enter
it into your profile on the WLC site.

In true CrossFit fashion…this was a pretty tough 11 minutes!  My scores for each round were:  28, 61, 51 & 26, for a total WOD score of 166.  I have no idea whether that is a good score or not. I know my sister beat me by 6 points….but she’s super fit, so I think getting beat by 6 isn’t too bad!  Regardless, I’m not really trying to beat anyone else, just improve over the 8 weeks. 

stronger than yesterday not as stong as tomorrow

Once I got the WOD out of the way, I really didn’t have anything that had to get done today.  It was a rainy, gloomy day, so what else do you do with a day like that…but head to the mall! 

I was a bit worried about hitting the mall over lunch hour, since I had no idea if there would be anything I could eat in the food court.  It took a bit of looking, and talking to the guy behind the counter, but I found a pretty decent lunch that met all of my WLC diet requirements.  I ended up having shwarma chicken (which the guy ensured me is only rubbed in spices and has no sugar, wheat, dairy, etc) and he switched out the potatoes and rice for bean salad, tossed salad and tomatoes and hot peppers.  All of which he promised had nothing that I’m not supposed to eat.  In the end I had a giant plate of food, and it was delicious!  I took a picture of it, but it seems to have somehow disappeared off my phone! Ugh!!!

After lunch I hit Lululemon.  I got a gift card for Mother’s Day that I hadn’t spent yet and thought it was time to go see what all the Lulu fuss is about.  I had never really been in a Lulu store before.  It was a pretty good experience!  and a successful one too!  I finally got a pair of Lulu Studio Pants.  They really are just as comfortable as everyone says they are!  I also got a couple of new sports bras – a blue and white striped “tata tamer’ and a red “flow”.  Both are very comfortable and seem like they will keep the “girls” where they should be during a WOD, or even a run!  A very successful trip, if I do say so myself!
photo (19)

After the mall I watched some tennis (ahhh Rafa!), and did some meal planning for the week.  I think I have quite a few tasty dishes lined up:

    • a few kinds of egg muffins
    • zucchini noodles
    • spaghetti squash with chicken and pears
    • turkey zucchini burgers
    • orange chicken
    • Mexican meatballs
    • Chick pea curry

I still need to sort out my snacks, but I have a few kinds of hummus and lots of veggies.  Hopefully I will find a few other snacks that I can add into the mix. 

For dinner tonight, Hubs and the kids went out to RibFest with friends, but I decided not to go since I wouldn’t be able to eat anything they had there, and it would just be torture to sit and watch them eat yummy ribs and drink beer.  Instead I grabbed a zucchini, a hot Italian sausage and some spaghetti sauce (with no sugar or artificial ingredients!), and created a yummy zoodle meal:
Image (3)

This was an awesome dish.  I used my new spiral slicer and turned the zucchini into noodles – very cool and super easy!  After that, I removed the sausage from its casing and turned it into mini sausage meatballs and sautéed them up in a bit of olive oil until they were cooked through.  Once the sausage was done, I added the zoodles to the pan and sautéed them as well.  It was smelling so good at this point!  I added some salt and pepper and about 3 tbsp. of the spaghetti sauce and let that simmer for a few minutes.  Holy deliciousness!  I was really quite surprised about how good it tasted…and how simple it was.  I think this might become part of my WLC meal rotation.  I’m pretty sure the kids would love it as well….and they could kick it up a notch and put some parmesan on it…although it was excellent just as it was without the cheese. 

Tomorrow I plan to do a bunch of food prep to make my week of WLC eating go smoothly.  I’ll let you know how that goes!

I hope you had a fantastic Saturday!

Do you have a pair of Lulu Studio Pants?  Do you love them as much as all of my friend’s do?
Have you turned any veggies into noodles?  Got any suggestions for what else I can noodle-ize?


I Need To Start Planning!

We are coming up to the last long weekend of the summer. 


While I’m sad that summer is coming to an end, I’m also a bit glad as now I can hopefully get back into a good meal planning, food prep, and workout routine.

Over the summer I have definitely kept up with my workouts.  Most weeks I had 3 CrossFit classes, 2 ball hockey games, and nine holes of golf.  What fell by the wayside was any sort of meal planning or healthy eating. 

Summer has come to an end and I feel like a big old blob of fat.  I think I’m only up maybe 4 pounds, but I hate it. 

eat crap feel fat

September brings a clean slate and a chance to get back to healthier choices.  I will get some added help with this starting Sept 7 when the Whole Life Challenge starts.  I won’t lie…I’m a little stressed about this.  There is a big list of things that I can’t eat.  I’ve decided to do the Intermediate level.  Here’s what that means:

WLC intermediate

So, if I’m going to stick to this plan for 8 weeks (and I really want to!), then I need to get my act together and start planning.  Tomorrow we are heading to the cottage for one last summer long weekend, and I’m taking my iPad, which is loaded with Clean Eating magazines and lots of cookbooks.  I will be spending some time browsing through recipes and planning out some menus. Hopefully I will find lots of quick, easy, delicious recipes that meet all the above requirements.  Fingers crossed!

Tonight I am back to the box for my second WOD this week.  It looks like a good one:
WOD aug 29

I haven’t been practicing my double unders, but hopefully tonight I will be able to get through them without too much trouble…or bodily damage!  Last time we did them, I got pretty beat up!
DU slashes
If I’m lucky I will string together 20 in a row somewhere in that 100 and be able to cross that summer CrossFit goal off my list too.  You may remember that I was able to cross “do an unassisted pull up” off my CrossFit summer goal list up before I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago.  If you missed it, be sure to check it out here…I’m still pretty excited about getting them!

Do you have any great recipes that will meet all those WLC Yes/No requirements?  If you do, please share them with me.  With 8 weeks of this ahead of me, I’ll have lots of opportunity to try them out!




Happy Monday! 

it's monday

I am pretty tired today.  My weekend of four games of hockey and a few late nights have caught up with me.   Today I am achy and exhausted….but we WON so it was all worth it! 

champs 2013

We went undefeated through the round robin and won our division finals!  I had fun and played probably my best hockey of the season, scoring 2 goals in each of the first 2 games.  That is pretty exciting, since I’m not really known for my goal scoring!  (I think getting CrossFit strong might have helped my game Smile)

While the weekend was lots of fun, it was also full of less than ideal meals and maybe too many Corona (although 10am games both Saturday and Sunday meant we didn’t drink as much or stay up as late as we might have otherwise!).  Eating every meal out for 3 days is tough on the clean eating routine – especially when the restaurant choices were slim and we ate at Kelsey’s once and Boston Pizza twice.  I knew that healthy food would be a challenge going into the weekend, so I didn’t worry too much about it.  I ate what I wanted and enjoyed my Corona.  Now, I need to get back on track and focus on eating healthily. 

Before I went away for the weekend I planned out my meals and created a grocery list.  Hubby shopped while I was away, so I am all set to eat delicious, clean meals for the week – all of which are from the March 2013 issue of Clean Eating Magazine!  I also planned out my CrossFit schedule.  I’ve got other things tonight (Parent Council meeting at school) and tomorrow (massage!!!), so I’m hitting CrossFit Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday this week.  I’m looking forward to getting back in the Box and working hard. 

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Last night when I got back from the tourney, I was planning on making the Tamari Honey Chicken, but the kids wanted to go out.  I was so tired, that I gave into them and had one more less than ideal meal to finish off my weekend.   This meant I didn’t have any leftovers to bring for lunch today and went out for a Malaysian lunch with some colleagues.  Dinner before I go to the meeting will be some of the leftovers from our lunch.  Likely not so clean, but oh so tasty!  I’m looking forward to get back to cooking and eating clean tomorrow.  I really notice when I eat crap. 

eat like crap feel like crap

How was your weekend?

Do you feel it when you eat crap?


Yep, I Regret It….BIG TIME!

Last Sunday was a hectic day (and I was a bit lazy) and I didn’t do any menu planning or food prep.  I knew I would be out 3 nights this week and I really should have taken the time to get organized on the weekend.  But, I didn’t and now I definitely regret it.

Not cooking main dinners (since I was out 3 nights) meant no leftovers for lunches the next day.  I actually hated having to go out and eat lunch somewhere.  I wanted to try to eat healthy, but there just isn’t much choice for that near where I work.  I probably could have found something if I tried a bit harder, but again, the lazy factor kicked in.

Now, it’s Thursday and I have eaten out Monday dinner, Tuesday lunch, Wednesday lunch and dinner, and lunch today.  I probably won’t eat dinner tonight since I had a big lunch and there just won’t be time between getting home from parent-teacher interviews down at my son’s school and leaving for hockey.  I think I will have time to just stop at home, pick up my gear, and head out again. 

So, aside from being lighter in my wallet, all this eating out has left me feeling BLAHBloated, Lethargic, Annoyed with myself, and feeling Heavy.  I hate it.

feeling blah

Lesson learned.  Menu planning and meal prep is the way to go for me. 

Plan your meals ahead

Hopefully tonight at hockey I can skate off some of this BLAH.  I’ll let you know.

How do you shake off the BLAH?


Super Sunday

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

I am not a big football fan, but I am watching the game tonight.  I not a fan of either team, but I’d like Baltimore to win because Michael Oher plays for them.  He was the guy who the movie “The Blind Side” was about. Up until the power outage delay, it looked like the Ravens were going to run away with it.  Now, as I write, the 49ers have started their comeback and the score stands at 31-23 in favour of Baltimore.  It’s making the game interesting, that’s for sure, but I hope the Ravens can hand on for the win.  Time will tell.

Before game time, I had a pretty typical Sunday. (Oh boy…Kaepernick just ran it in to get SF within 2.  Didn’t get the 2 point conversion, so it’s 31-29 Ravens.)  My day started at the arena for my older son’s game.  After a tough loss yesterday, the boys came out strong and managed a tie today.  Given the way their season has gone, a tie is a victory for us. 

After the game I got down to menu and workout planning for the week and hit the grocery store for needed supplies.  Here’s how things look:

BREAKFASTS:  Clean eating Hash Brown Sausage & Egg Muffins (I finally made these today, after not getting to them last week).
 egg muffins LUNCHES:  Most days lunch will be leftover whatever we had the night before for dinner. 

DINNERS:   I’ve got some good eats lined up for this week:
– Mediterranean veg & white bean penne
– Tamari honey chicken & broccoli with almond butter sauce
– Sesame pork tenderloin & baby bok choy
– Crock pot Sante Fe Chicken

SNACKS:  I’ve got hummus and veggies, apples, my no-bake chocolate cookies and I made some kale chips today, so have 3 containers of those as well.  Hopefully this will all help me avoid eating any crap snacks.
kale chips

WORKOUTS:  My workout schedule looks like this:

    • Monday:  CrossFit 8:30pm (WOD is the Filthy Fifty…it looks tough)
    • Tuesday:  Fitness Blender yoga workout
    • Wednesday:  CrossFit 8:30pm
    • Thursday:  Hockey 7:30pm
    • Friday:  CrossFit 5:30pm
    • Saturday/Sunday:  who knows!  We will be out of town with my older son’s hockey team for a tournament.  That is why I’m squeezing my 3 crossfit workouts into the week rather than saving one for the Saturday class.  Depending on what time we get home on Sunday, I may try to go for a short run, or maybe swing a kettlebell.  I will leave it open and see what happens.
      crossfit pride

Today was a rest day for me…and I was very glad it was!  I am achy all over.  When I woke up this morning, I stretched and everything hurt!  I tried to find a part on my body that didn’t hurt.  I thought I found one with my forearms….but then I bent my wrist a different way and there it was….pain!  I am not complaining…I love it.  To me, the pain lets me know I am working hard and will be seeing results.  So far the scale hasn’t moved, but hopefully it will start to move in the right direction soon.

good thing come 
Here’s looking forward to a good week ahead.

What’s on your meal plan for the week?
What’s your workout schedule look like?

And just as I finish up….the Ravens win the Super Bowl!  Yay for Michael Oher!