My Pursuit of Happiness and Skinny Jeans

My journey to a smaller jean size

The Friday Five – 15.1 Edition


Happy Friday!  Another week down, and February is almost over!  Time is flying by.

This week’s Friday Five will all relate to the first WOD of the CrossFit Open.

1.  Workout 15.1 was announced last night.  I was playing hockey last night when the workout was announced.  (We won!  YAY!)  As soon as I got off the ice, I got on my phone and searched for the announcement.  Here’s what I found:

2.  At first, I didn’t think it looked that bad.  I can do all of those movements, not all well, but I can do them.  The biggest issue for me with this WOD is the 75# snatch.  I think the heaviest snatch I’ve done so far is only 65#.  At least that’s what it shows in my MyWOD app:

I may have gotten a bit higher than that (maybe 5#) since October…I will have to go back and check my WOD book I keep in my gym bag.   So, that 75# snatch makes me question my ability to do the RX version of the WOD.

3.  The scaled WOD looks very doable! The scaled WOD has a lighter snatch and ground to overhead is allowed, which makes it much more friendly.  Plus, I’m way better and knee raises than I am at toes to bar!
scaled 15.14.  My gym is doing the Open Throw Down again this year.  Between 6:30 and 8:30 everyone (or at least all the cool kids!) will be at the box to do 15.1.  We sign up for heats, get ourselves warmed up and when it’s time…we THROW DOWN!  People not in your heat cheer and it’s a great atmosphere.  Initially I was going to go to my regular 4:30 class and do 15.1 then, but I decided it would be more fun to do it with the group in the Throw Down, so switched my time.

5.  It’s now around 2 o’clock and I have a 4.5 hours to decide what level I will do – RX or scaled.  Right now I’m leaning scaled.  I will have a chat with my coaches and see what they say.  I’m not going to the games, so I don’t really need to kill myself with the RX version.  I’m pretty sure scaled will still leave me in a sweaty mess when I’m done!
liquid awesomeNow I’m off to have some lunch and then spend the rest of my afternoon trying to stay calm!

Are you doing 15.1?  RX?  Scaled?  Let me know how it goes!

Happy Weekend.


Motivational Monday

Happy Monday, peeps!


So, if you are into CrossFit, you know that it’s Open Season.
the open is upon usThe CrossFit Open is a 5 week series of WODs that everyone at every level completes and gets ranked against everyone in the world.  To think that I will be doing the same WOD as Camille Leblanc-Bazinet (the winner of last year’s CrossFit Games) is awesome and terrifying at the same time. Camille is a 26 year old CrossFit Pro.  I’m a 47 year old, mom of two, CrossFit wanna-be!

I have no chance of beating Camille.  I know that.  Everyone at my gym knows that.  But you know what?  That’s okay!  It’s not about beating anyone.  It’s about pushing myself as hard as I can and just competing with myself.  Just doing the best that I can.  And that…that’s why I love CrossFit.


The first Open workout gets announced on Thursday.  I can’t wait to see what it is!

Are you doing the Open?

Got a prediction for 15.1?


Motivational Monday

It’s Monday!
motivational-monday1.pngThis week’s little bit of motivation is a little too close to home for me.

weakness leaving the bodyIf this is true, I should be one strong chick this week.

Last week was a rough one for me at CrossFit and I had more pain that I really needed.  First, I messed up my wrist on Wednesday:

FullSizeRender (6)No idea what I did, but holy cow did it hurt. I had an acupunture treatment on it Thursday, rested it over the weekend, and It’s much better today.  I’m hoping I will be able to do tonight’s WOD (Elizabeth, 21-15-9 squat snatch, ring dips) without any modifications other than scaling the weight and using a band for my ring dips, which I always do.  I will play it by ear and see how it feels.  If it hurts, I will ask my coach what else I can do.

Friday, after modifying the WOD to skip the push press – doing hollow rocks instead (since I didn’t want to use my wrist that much), I ended up hurting my right foot getting off the air dyne.  The WOD was 50-40-30-20-10 push press and calories on the air dyne. I did the hollow rocks and holy crap…they killed!  I was just finished the 30 cals on the air dyne and was getting off when I got my foot jammed between the pedal and the bike.  I didn’t wait for the pedal to stop turning and missed the middle bar as I stepped off and crunch….what an awful feeling!  I could feel so many bones cracking and crunching.  OUCH!  Coach Sav said maybe this was a good place to stop and she got me some ice.  I lay with my foot up on some ab mats for a few minutes and once the pain subsided I gimped my way out of the gym.  Once I got home it was ice and elevation again:
ankle iceLuckily I was taking Saturday off from the gym since my son had a hockey tournament and I couldn’t make it to class. Aside from some pretty decent bruising on the inside of my foot my the ankle/arch, the top by my toes, and the outside below the ankle it is feeling pretty good.  I’ve been putting Traumeel on it regularly and I think that helped.  I’m almost limp free.

My goal for tonight is to get out of the gym without any more injuries!

Wish me luck!

How’s Monday treating you so far?


The Friday Five

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Friday Five.  Let’s see if I remember how to do this!  🙂


1.  I’m still reading.  I got back into regular reading last year and really liked it, so I’m trying to keep it up in 2015.  My goal is to read 30 books this year.  I’m moving towards that nicely, with 7 books already read to date.  To see what they are…click here.  I’m currently reading The Little Old Lady Who Broke All The Rules,  by Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg.  It’s about a group of retirees living in a retirement home who are less than thrilled with their living conditions so decide to get themselves thrown in jail where they think life will be better.  I’m about half way through and it’s not great, but not bad. little old lady 2.  I’ve done something to my wrist.  I’m not sure how, or what exactly is wrong, but holy crap did it ever hurt on Wednesday.  I had a massage Tuesday night and my RMT gave my arm a little stretch and my wrist cracked, as it always does, and all was good.  First thing Wednesday it was fine, but them mid-morning it started to feel a bit jammed and was really “cracky” when I moved it.  Eventually it started to hurt…A LOT. I should have maybe taken the night off from CrossFit, but I needed to meet my pull-up coach to get caught up on my program since I was away last week and missed our final session.  Plus, the WOD looked really good and I wanted to get my workout in.  My pull-up program was okay.  My grip wasn’t the best and I only did about 2/3rds of each exercise to not push it too much and just get familiar with the movements.  My wrist ached, but didn’t feel too bad.  Then it was time for my regular 8:30 class.  I knew it was not going to go well when I couldn’t do the push-ups in our warm up drill.  The WOD had lots of grip and push movements, and I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to do it.  Coach Jesse modified the WOD for me, so I at least got a good workout in without too much wrist stuff.
wod feb 4The DB bench press were the worst part of that, and hurt a bit just getting the DB up into position.  By the end of it, my wrist was pretty sore and by the time I got home it was killing me.  Getting out of a sweaty sports bra with only one hand was a challenge!  I iced it and took some Ibuprofin and went to bed.  It was a bit better when I woke up Thursday morning but still not quite right.  Luckily I was scheduled for some acupuncture on my traps with my Naturopath Thursday afternoon, so i had her take a look at my wrist and she did some work on it too.  She also put some Kin Tape on it for some additional support and pain relief.
FullSizeRender (6)It is still pretty sore today.  Hopefully I can modify tonight’s WOD a bit…there are 150 push presses in it…not sure my wrist is up for that!

3.  I’m sort of doing the Whole Life Challenge again.  I did the challenge in the fall and the organizers had a few issues with some things, so they offered a free entry to the New Year’s challenge.  I figured what the heck and joined again.  I’m not being to strict with things this time.  Really just sticking to my original plan for eating clean most of the time and limiting my treats.  I’ve had a few extra lattes this week, but more or less I’m on track.  I’m taking the hit for eating non-WLC approved things, but that’s fine.  I’m just using it as a way to stay motivated and not fall off the wagon!

4.  I’ve signed up for The Open!  I lived to tell about last year’s open so figured why not torture myself again!  I’m interested to see what the scaled versions of the workouts look like.  That might be a better stream for me than the RX, but I guess time will tell.  The first workout gets announced Thursday Feb 26.  My gym is doing Friday Night Throwdowns again this year. This was a ton of fun last year and really made The Open a great community event last year. Hopefully this year will be even more fun!
open 20155.  I’m so happy it’s Friday!
I will be spending much of my weekend at a hockey arena.  Nick has a tourney that is local-ish, so we will be driving to a few rinks in the area.  Jacko has his  usual game Saturday and practice Sunday.  That doesn’t leave much time for anything else, but should be fun all the same.

Happy Weekend!
Got anything excited planned?

Have you signed up for The Open?

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Motivational Monday

Well, it seems I am not getting any better at posting regularly.  😦  Not sure I ever will.  Random, infrequent posts seems to be the new normal around here.  Oh well!

Here’s a quick Motivational Monday to kick off the week.

motivational-monday1.pngI’ve got a killer workout ahead of me tonight at CrossFit:
angieI have never done Angie before.  On paper, it looks wicked.  I’m pretty sure I will be doing Ring Rows in place of the pull-ups, and that even sounds killer! But, I will just tackle this beast one rep at a time and hope for the best.

Ditch the fearAngie doesn’t scare me!  (Well, maybe a little :))

Happy Monday, peeps!  Here’s to a great week ahead.

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