My Pursuit of Happiness and Skinny Jeans

My journey to a smaller jean size

My First Mug Cake

on December 29, 2012

Before the Elf for Health Challenge, I had never even heard of a mug cake.  So, I hit Google and did a search.  Trust me…there are a LOT of mug cake recipes out there! 

I finally settled on that I found on Babble.  A Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mug Cake.  I will admit…it was pretty easy to make.  Crack an egg in a mug, add 3 tbsp of brown sugar (I used 1.5 tbsp of brown sugar Splenda since I was out of regular brown sugar), 1/3 cup flour, 1 tbsp softened butter, and 3-4 tbsp of chocolate chips.  Stir and bake in the microwave for 1.5-2 minutes. 

mug cake

I wasn’t too sure how this was going to turn out, but I mixed it up, stuck it in the microwave for 2 minutes and waited.  I was a bit nervous when the cake started to rise out of the mug while it was cooking, but when the timer went off, it sank back down into the mug. 

It wasn’t the moistest cake I have ever had, but it was pretty good.  if I do it again, I will take it out closer to the minute and a half time, rather than leave it in for the full 2 minutes. 

In the end it was a quick and tasty treat.  According to My Fitness Pal, when I punched in all of the ingredients, it is about 500 calories or so.   I will not be eating too many of these bad boys…and I definitely need to got for a run and do a workout tomorrow to burn off some of these extra calories.

Have you ever made a mug cake? 
How was it?

6 responses to “My First Mug Cake

  1. runninghaiku says:

    I shouldn’t have read your blog! I was happily snacking on broccoli but now I really want to try one of these. I’ve never heard of mug cake until now. And, I also need to get back to using MyFitnessPal and training, but right now this looks really tasty.


  2. j! ayson says:

    Never tried a mug cake. Hubby would probably look at me like I was crazy if he saw me making one. Ouch on the calorie count! Not sure if I’d try one now. Maybe… Hehe I’ll let you know if I do.


    • cathyo says:

      no kidding on the calories. it’s crazy that something so small can be so packed with calories. if i make another one, i will look for a “lighter” recipe.


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