My Pursuit of Happiness and Skinny Jeans

My journey to a smaller jean size

Another Monday Bites The Dust

on April 29, 2013

Although today was a pretty good day, I’m glad it’s over.  Monday really is my least favourite day of the week.  Mondays mean the end of the weekend, back to work, back to hectic schedules, and back to the real world. 
i hate mondays

The best part of today was that I had a massage after work.  I looked forward to it all day.  I didn’t have any specific ailments that I needed worked on, just overall achiness all over from my killer CrossFit workouts.  At least that what I thought…until my therapist started working on me…then all sorts of intense aches came to the surface.  My right calf, my left shoulder to name just a few.  I thoroughly enjoyed my peaceful (and somewhat painful) hour and left her office very relaxed.  Nothing beats a good massage!  I feel ready to face the rest of my busy week.

But, before I get to my week ahead, let’s take a look back at a few things.

My cleanse:  The cleanse is actually going quite well.  For the most part, I am managing to stick fairly close to the plan.  I had a bit of a less than perfect day on Saturday, but got right back on track Sunday. 

Saturday started with a 9am CrossFit class.  We worked on overhead squats and this time I got to 45lbs.  I’m sure once i get used to the technique of the lift, I will be able to lift more, but for now, 45lbs seems to be where I max out.  I really wish I could lift more, but that will come.  (It will, won’t it?) After the strength training, it was onto the WOD:

12 Minute AMRAP
8 ring dips
12 kettlebell swings (I used the blue bell)
14 jump lunges (7 each side)

I made some good progress on this WOD.  Normally I use a purple band for the ring dips.  Saturday, I took a step and tried them with the black band…and you know what…I did it!  Wohoo!  It was a small step, but I was pretty pleased to be able to drop down to the black band.  In the end, I made it through 5 full rounds, plus one more round of the dips, the kettlebell swings and 4 jump lunges.  Not great, but not too bad.  I was also told by my coach that I am no longer allowed to use the blue bell…I have graduated to yellow!  Saturday was a big day at CrossFit for me!  Can’t wait to get back to the box on Wednesday to see what other progress I can make!

After my WOD, I came home, showered up and took my measurements for Day 11 of my Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse.  I was pretty sure I would see some changes in my numbers, since my clothes are fitting better.  Anyways, the scale showed a drop of 8lbs – yep, 8lbs in 11 days! I thought that was pretty good.  And them I did my measurements.  In total I lost 12 inches!!!!  Can you believe that!  It was a little bit everywhere, with the biggest changes being 1.5 inches on my waist, 2 on my chest, 2 on my abdomen, and 2 from each leg on the “upper knee”.    All of this makes me pretty happy.  It also gives me the motivation to keep going with the cleanse and sticking to it as closely as I can for the remaining 17 days.

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Saturday was a gorgeous day, with nice warm temperatures.  My sister and her little ones came over for the afternoon and to have a BBQ dinner.  I did cheat a little on my cleanse and had a nice cold Corona while we sat on the deck in the backyard and enjoyed the sunshine.  It was delicious and I didn’t feel guilty about it at all! 

Dinner was delicious steak, grilled veggies, and a cucumber salad.  You will have to trust me that dinner was great, because I was so excited to eat that I forgot to take a picture!  I did take a picture of the delicious salad I made with the leftovers the next day:
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Sunday was another beautiful day, and hubs, Jacko and I hit the driving range.  In typical golf fashion, there was some good, some bad, and some really ugly!  I’m glad I made it out, since I’m pretty sure that will be the only practice I get before my league starts next Tuesday.  It was also nice to get out with my son.  He tells me he doesn’t like golf, but loves the driving range.  Hopefully we can change that, so we can get out to golf together this summer, but for now, I will enjoy my time at the range with him.  He’s got a pretty good swing.
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Now the weekend is over Sad smile and I’ve got a very busy week ahead: 

Tuesday:  7pm ball hockey
Wednesday:  7pm Jacko ball hockey, 8:30 CrossFit, 10pm my ball hockey
Thursday:  6:30 EWGA Board of Directors meeting, 8:30 CrossFit
Friday:  5:30pm CrossFit
Saturday: 9-5:30 Scrapbooking with my sister at National Scrapbook Day.  Can’t wait!

Since my week is so busy, and I have so many things in early evening hours, I will be having my shakes for breakfast and dinner this week and eating my 400-600 calorie meals at lunch.  I’ve got steak salad planned for Wednesday and leftover Sante Fe Chicken for Thursday and Friday.  There was lots of the crock pot chicken dish left last week, so I froze it for exactly this purpose.  I’m all set for delicious, clean meals when needed! 

With my busy week, it was hard for me to find a day to do my cleanse day.  I finally decided to do it tomorrow, so I will only be drinking cleanse juice and eating Isagenix snacks. I may try one of the Energetix powders to make an energy drink to help me make it through my ball hockey game.  Fingers crossed!

Now I need to get to bed.  I have been doing fairly well with trying to get more sleep. I have been sleeping like a rock and wake up ready to get on with the day.  So, with that said, I’m off!

Hope you had a good Monday and are ready to face the week ahead.
Only 4 more days until the weekend!

8 responses to “Another Monday Bites The Dust

  1. evetheatheist says:

    Busy week!!! Sounds like you have good hold on things!! Have a great one!!


  2. j! ayson says:

    Definitely looks like a busy week on your end. Way to be organized! And awesome progress at Crossfit and the new measurements. That’s so exciting!


    • cathyo says:

      Thanks! the progress is enough to keep me going with this insane schedule I seem to be creating for myself. Oh well, if i’m busy doing all these other things, I can’t be sitting on my couch eating candy!


  3. This will help your Monday…well, it’s Tuesday now, but that’s besides the point. Hey there! Just nominated you for a blogger award. Congrats!

    Lisa 🙂

    P.S. – Please “like” my FB page. I feel much more confident asking you to do this now that I’ve nominated you for an award. I’m all about bribery.


  4. You are one busy bee! Have a great week ahead! 🙂


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